981 research outputs found

    Collaborative Travel Apps, Reciprocity and the Internet of Things

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    As cities become increasingly connected, both people and objects can connect to the Internet to transmit and receive information. This is the Internet of Things. Smartphone technology can help identify current and anticipate future patterns of behaviour and, with its social networking capabilities, allow users to imagine collaborative opportunities. This has led to the development of collaborative travel apps designed to enable activities like lift sharing. However, two projects working with community based travel collaboration apps identify significant challenges to people accessing forms of travel assistance due to the imperative of reciprocity. Collaborative travel apps depend on users to offer help, but they also need users to ask for or accept help. This paper analyses the fundamental challenges of reciprocity as facilitated by these apps and considers how the near future Internet of Things might alter practices.Trials of purpose built collaborative travel apps were conducted across four communities (a campsite, two rural villages and an urban fringe estate) during 2013 and 2014 involving 66 participants. Data were collected by in-depth interviews and all app activities (messages and transactions) were recorded through a linked database.Offers of help dominated in contrast to requests for and acceptance of help.Feelings of indebtedness inhibit app use since they threa ten a user’s status, power and freedom of action with respect to the donor of help. Other transport issues of flexibility and control were also apparent. The paper discusses how indebtedness might be addressed during the design and implementation of such apps. Also, the emergence of the Internet of Things, with its more anticipatory systems, prompts a reappraisal of current Internet based collaborative communities which raises questions about the human regulation of reciprocal arrangements and presents opportunities for parties who are less able to reciprocate such as the ageing population

    The Abundance of Interstellar Nitrogen

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    Using the HST Goddard High Resolution Spectrograph (GHRS), we have obtained high S/N echelle observations of the weak interstellar N I 1160, 1161 A absorption doublet toward the stars Gamma Cas, Lambda Ori, Iota Ori, Kappa Ori, Delta Sco, and Kappa Sco. In combination with a previous GHRS measurement of N I toward Zeta Oph, these new observations yield a mean interstellar gas phase nitrogen abundance (per 106^6 H atoms) of 106^6 N/H = 75 +/- 4. There are no statistically significant variations in the measured N abundances from sightline to sightline and no evidence of density-dependent depletion from the gas-phase. Since N is not expected to be depleted much into dust grains in these diffuse sightlines, its gas-phase abundance should reflect the total interstellar abundance. Consequently, the GHRS observations imply that the abundance of interstellar nitrogen (gas plus grains) in the local Milky Way is about 80% of the solar system value of 106^6 N/H = 93 +/- 16. Although this interstellar abundance deficit is somewhat less than that recently found for oxygen and krypton with GHRS, the solar N abundance and the N I oscillator strengths are too uncertain to definitively rule out either a solar ISM N abundance or a 2/3 solar ISM N abundance similar to that of O and Kr.Comment: 14 pages, LaTeX, 2 Postscript figures; ApJ Letters, in pres

    Magnetic record of deglaciation using FORC-PCA, sortable-silt grain size, and magnetic excursion at 26 ka, from the Rockall Trough (NE Atlantic)

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    Core MD04-2822 from the Rockall Trough has apparent sedimentation rates of ~1 m/kyr during the last deglaciation (Termination I). Component magnetization directions indicate a magnetic excursion at 16.3 m depth in the core, corresponding to an age of 26.5 ka, implying an excursion duration of ~350 years. Across Termination I, the mean grain size of sortable silt implies reduced bottom-current velocity in the Younger Dryas and Heinrich Stadial (HS)-21A, and increased velocities during the Bølling-Allerød warm period. Standard bulk magnetic parameters imply fining of magnetic grain size from the mid-Younger Dryas (~12 ka) until ~8 ka. First-order reversal curves (FORCs) were analyzed using ridge extraction to differentiate single domain (SD) from background (detrital) components. Principal component analysis (FORC-PCA) was then used to discriminate three end members corresponding to SD, pseudo-single domain (PSD), and multidomain (MD) magnetite. The fining of bulk magnetic grain size from 12 to 8 ka is due to reduction in concentration of detrital (PSD 1 MD) magnetite, superimposed on a relatively uniform concentration of SD magnetite pro- duced by magnetotactic bacteria. The decrease in PSD1MD magnetite concentration from 12 to 8 ka is synchronized with increase in benthic d13C, and with major (~70 m) regional sea-level rise, and may therefore be related to detrital sources on the shelf that had reduced influence as sea level rose, and to bottom-water reorganization as Northern Source Water (NSW) replaced Southern Source Water (SSW)

    Whole blood transcriptional responses of very preterm infants during late-onset sepsis

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    Background Host immune responses during late-onset sepsis (LOS) in very preterm infants are poorly characterised due to a complex and dynamic pathophysiology and challenges in working with small available blood volumes. We present here an unbiased transcriptomic analysis of whole peripheral blood from very preterm infants at the time of LOS. Methods RNA-Seq was performed on peripheral blood samples (6–29 days postnatal age) taken at the time of suspected LOS from very preterm infants <30 weeks gestational age. Infants were classified based on blood culture positivity and elevated C-reactive protein concentrations as having confirmed LOS (n = 5), possible LOS (n = 4) or no LOS (n = 9). Bioinformatics and statistical analyses performed included pathway over-representation and protein-protein interaction network analyses. Plasma cytokine immunoassays were performed to validate differentially expressed cytokine pathways. Results The blood leukocyte transcriptional responses of infants with confirmed LOS differed significantly from infants without LOS (1,317 differentially expressed genes). However, infants with possible LOS could not be distinguished from infants with no LOS or confirmed LOS. Transcriptional alterations associated with LOS included genes involved in pathogen recognition (mainly TLR pathways), cytokine signalling (both pro-inflammatory and inhibitory responses), immune and haematological regulation (including cell death pathways), and metabolism (altered cholesterol biosynthesis). At the transcriptional-level cytokine responses during LOS were characterised by over-representation of IFN-α/β, IFN-γ, IL-1 and IL-6 signalling pathways and up-regulation of genes for inflammatory responses. Infants with confirmed LOS had significantly higher levels of IL-1α and IL-6 in their plasma. Conclusions Blood responses in very preterm infants with LOS are characterised by altered host immune responses that appear to reflect unbalanced immuno-metabolic homeostasis

    Composition of early life leukocyte populations in preterm infants with and without late-onset sepsis

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    Background Composition of leukocyte populations in the first month of life remains incompletely characterised, particularly in preterm infants who go on to develop late-onset sepsis (LOS). Aim To characterise and compare leukocyte populations in preterm infants with and without LOS during the first month of life. Study design Single-centre prospective observational cohort study. Participants Infants born <30 weeks gestational age (GA). Outcome measures Peripheral blood samples were collected at 1, 7, 14, 21 and 28 days of life. Leukocyte populations were characterised using 5-fluorophore-6-marker flow cytometry. Absolute leukocyte counts and frequency of total CD45+ leukocytes of each population were adjusted for GA, birth weight z-scores, sex and total leukocyte count. Results Of 119 preterm infants enrolled, 43 (36%) had confirmed or clinical LOS, with a median onset at 13 days (range 6–26). Compared to infants without LOS, the adjusted counts and frequency of neutrophils, basophils and non-cytotoxic T lymphocytes were generally lower and immature granulocytes were higher over the first month of life in infants who developed LOS. Specific time point comparisons identified lower adjusted neutrophil counts on the first day of life in those infants who developed LOS more than a week later, compared to those without LOS, albeit levels were within the normal age-adjusted range. Non-cytotoxic T lymphocyte counts and/or frequencies were lower in infants following LOS on days 21 and 28 when compared to those who did not develop LOS. Conclusion Changes in non-cytotoxic T lymphocytes occurred following LOS suggesting sepsis-induced immune suppression

    Abundance analysis of two late A-type stars HD 32115 and HD 37594

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    We have performed abundance analysis of two slowly rotating, late A-type stars, HD 32115 (HR 1613) and HD 37594 (HR 1940), based on obtained echelle spectra covering the spectral range 4000-9850 AAngstrom. These spectra allowed us to identify an extensive line list for 31 chemical elements, the most complete to date for A-type stars. Two approaches to abundance analysis were used, namely a ``manual'' (interactive) and a semi-automatic procedure for comparison of synthetic and observed spectra and equivalent widths. For some elements non-LTE (NLTE) calculations were carried out and the corresponding corrections have been applied. The abundance pattern of HD 32115 was found to be very close to the solar abundance pattern, and thus may be used as an abundance standard for chemical composition studies in middle and late A stars. Further, its H-alpha line profile shows no core-to-wing anomaly like that found for cool Ap stars and therefore also may be used as a standard in comparative studies of the atmospheric structures of cool, slowly rotating Ap stars. HD 37594 shows a metal deficiency at the level of -0.3 dex for most elements and triangle-like cores of spectral lines. This star most probably belongs to the Delta Scuti group.Comment: 10 pages, 4 figure

    Towards an International Classification for Patient Safety: key concepts and terms

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    Background. Understanding the patient safety literature has been compromised by the inconsistent use of language. Objectives. To identify key concepts of relevance to the International Patient Safety Classification (ICPS) proposed by the World Alliance For Patient Safety of the World Health Organization (WHO), and agree on definitions and preferred terms. Methods. Six principles were agreed upon—that the concepts and terms should: be applicable across the full spectrum of healthcare; be consistent with concepts from other WHO Classifications; have meanings as close as possible to those in colloquial use; convey the appropriate meanings with respect to patient safety; be brief and clear, without unnecessary or redundant qualifiers; be fit-for-purpose for the ICPS. Results. Definitions and preferred terms were agreed for 48 concepts of relevance to the ICPS; these were described and the relationships between them and the ICPS were outlined. Conclusions. The consistent use of key concepts, definitions and preferred terms should pave the way for better understanding, for comparisons between facilities and jurisdictions, and for trends to be tracked over time. Changes and improvements, translation into other languages and alignment with other sets of patient safety definitions will be necessary. This work represents the start of an ongoing process of progressively improving a common international understanding of terms and concepts relevant to patient safety. Keywords: patient safety, definitions, concepts, terminology, classificatio